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CSS Codes - Cascade Style Sheets


Individual Properties
Style rules Comments
p {font-family: Helvetica, Geneva; Of those listed, the first available font will be applied.
font-style: italic; Text will be rendered as italic.
font-weight: bold; Text will be rendered as bold.
font-size: 10pt; Text will be rendered as 10-point type.
color: #00FFFF; Text will be rendered to the hex color value #00FFFF.
background-color: blue; The element's background color will be rendered as blue.
background-image: url(images/foo.gif)} The element will have the background image(s) specified.
.foo {text-decoration: underlined} Text in the class "foo" will be underlined.
{text-transform: lowercase} Text in the class "foo" will be rendered as lowercase.
#foo {text-align: center} Text with the ID "foo" will be center-aligned.
{text-indent: 1em} Text with the ID "foo" will be indented 1 em.
p {margin-top: 12px; The element's top margin will be 12 pixels.
margin-bottom: 18px; The element's bottom margin will be 18 pixels.
padding-right: 8pt; The element's right padding will be 8 points.
padding-left: 4pt} The element's left padding will be 4 points.
body {border-color: red; Borders will be red.
border-style: solid} Borders will be solid.
Block-level and replaced elements
img {width: 20px; The element's width will be 20 pixels.
height: 40px; The element's height will be 40 pixels.
float: left} Text will flow to the left of the element.
p {clear: left} Moves the element below a floating element placed on the left.
Shorthand Properties
Style rules Comments
p {font: 10pt bold non-serif} Text will be rendered as 10-point bold non-serif type.
{background: black} The element's background color will be black.
{margin: 25px} All of the element's margins will be 25 pixels.
{margin: 20px 10px 20px 10px} Top and bottom margins will be 20 pixels; left and right margins will be 10 pixels.
body {padding: 2px} Padding will be 2 pixels on each side.
{padding: 8px 4px 8px 4px} Top and bottom padding will be 8 pixels; left and right padding will be 4 pixels.
{border: 2px solid red} There will be a red, solid border on all sides of the element.
Position (CSS - P)
Style rules Comments
#foo {position: absolute; top: 15pt; left: 15pt} The element's absolute position will be set 15 points from the top and 15 points from the left.
{visibility: hidden} The element's contents will be hidden.
.foo {z-index: 2} The element's z-index will be two.
p {overflow: visible} The element's contents will be rendered (visible) even if they exceed its height or width.
{overflow: hidden} The element's contents will be clipped to its height and width, and no scrolling mechanism will be provided.



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